Burns quiz

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Burns Quiz

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1 / 20

Which of these creatures did Burns not write an ode to?

2 / 20

What Burns’ work provided the title for a Ken Loach directed film?

3 / 20

The poem Tam O’Shanter references which natural phenomenon in the skies?

4 / 20

Where is Burns buried?

5 / 20

Which British astronaut took a miniature book of Burns’ poetry into space?

6 / 20

How many children did Burns have?

7 / 20

Which US president is said to have been able to recite Burns by heart?

8 / 20

Which US city has a life-size replica of Burns’ first home in Alloway, South Ayrshire?

9 / 20

What job did Burns do before becoming known for his poetry and song?

10 / 20

Which modern American classic did not draw from Burns as an inspiration?

11 / 20

What former republic or sovereign state featured Burns on a stamp?

12 / 20

How old was Burns when he died in 1796?

13 / 20

Who did Burns refer to as “the jewel o’ them a'”?

14 / 20

An award was founded in 2002 to honour who in Burns’ name?

15 / 20

Which of these is not formally toasted at a Burns’ supper?

16 / 20

What was not a name for the horse in Tam O’Shanter?

17 / 20

Name the Poem:
O my luve’s like the melodie

That’s sweetly play’d in tune.

18 / 20

Burn’s anagram


19 / 20

Burn’s anagram


20 / 20

Burn’s anagram


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The average score is 46%
