Education – Sponsorship_Archive

Demonstrate Your Knowledge and Professionalism


FOCUS are delighted to offer sponsorship opportunities to underwriters and claims assessors who wish to pursue attainment of the Diploma in Life and Disability Underwriting or the Diploma in Life and Disability Claims.

Embarking on a course of study is not a decision to be taken lightly and a degree of commitment and self discipline is required. However, there are many benefits in doing so;

  • Demonstrates to your employer, peers and customers your commitment to personal learning and development
  • Demonstrates a level of competence and knowledge under examination conditions
  • Examinations form part of a personalised learning programme

Attainment of professional qualifications allows you to demonstrate to your employer, peers and customers that you are an accomplished professional. It also provides a foundation for lifelong learning through continuous professional development.

What “Sponsorship” here actually means:

Essentially, FOCUS will provide financial support to fund the following expenditure;

a) Examination fees for either subject 555 or 556 (currently £118)

b) Continuous Assessment Courseware (currently £235)

Our aim is to fund examinations for 1 claims assessor and 1 underwriter at each examination sitting.

We hope this financial “stimulus” generates interest and enthusiasm to propel the recipient of the sponsorship to proceed to complete the Diploma under their own steam or perhaps with support from their employer.

Additionally, we are hopeful that other similar societies will follow our lead and provide sponsorship to their membership – thereby generating further interest in these examinations and the Diplomas themselves.

Requirements to apply for Sponsorship:

  • The individual seeking sponsorship should be an employee of a member company or hold an individual membership.
  • The individual seeking sponsorship is committed to embarking on a course of study and will prepare appropriately.  In the event that the individual does not complete the course of study or fails to attend for the examination, the Committee reserves the right to request repayment of the sponsorship outlays from the individual.
  • The individual agrees to allow the FOCUS Committee to update their name as “currently sponsored” on our website and the exam result.
  • The Committee members will not apply for sponsorship.
  • The Committee will seek to provide equal sponsorship opportunities between claims and underwriting staff where the application process permits.
  • The decision of the Committee is final regarding sponsorship allocation.

To be considered for sponsorship please complete the on-line application form.

The closing date for sponsorship of the October 2012 examinations has passed. 2013 sponsorship will be available soon. 

In the event that the number of sponsorship requests exceeds the number of sponsorship opportunities, the FOCUS Committee reserve the right to offer opportunities in a manner which ensures there is a fair split between underwriters and claims assessors and also between member offices.  Finally, any sponsorship extends to the first examination sitting and not any re-sit exams.

Note: At the time of writing, AMUS and the CII are working on changes to the subject content for subjects 555 and 556. This means that the last sitting for the current coursework is scheduled for October 2012. There may also be other changes which impact upon the other qualifying subjects to obtain the Diploma in the pipeline. However, we would stress that AMUS have confirmed to FOCUS that the intention is to continue with the current Diplomas and potentially extend the variety of professional qualifications which are available.

We will update our comments as more information becomes available.

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